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Nightingale Set All-IN-ONE PLEASE


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Hello! I've been playing Skyrim for some time and just started getting mods for the game. And so far my favorite armor in the game is the Nightingale armor set. However, I wanted to spice up my character a little bit so I got several mods for the Nightingale armor. First I got a new skin for the Nightingale armor set (Hi-Res Nightingale Armour - Male and Female: MK I Skin). After getting that I downloaded mods to remove the cape, sleeves, and the mask on the Nightingale Hood. The problem was I was unable to remove the sleeves on the Nightingale Armor. I've downloaded every mod available that removes the sleeves, but when I install it , the mod removes the sleeves but adds either the mask or the cape depending on which mod I used.


SO I want to request a mod that removes the mask on the hood, the cape, and the sleeves on the Nightingale Armor set which is compatible with theHi-Res Nightingale Armour - Male and Female: MK I Skin please

Edited by EI2EI3US89
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