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Homosexual Representation in Oblivion


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While searching Tes Nexus for files for gay guys I came across only one and it was poor almost insulting.


I would like to request if possible for someone to create a mod for gay guys/girls, a place to hang out, and get away from the relentlessly heterosexual world of oblivion.


I would create this myself but I am new to modding, if you could create this I would be very grateful, or even if you could give me information on how to mod properly.


Thanks, Steve




Just A quick addition, OK, now that I think on it there seems to be a complete lack of sexual orientation in oblivion, maybe there could be a sexual diversity mod that caters for everyone as opposed to just gay people, to add extra realism to oblivion, maybe even the possibility of in game Girlfriends/boyfriends as a companion extension.


Thanks for the new idea Jaysus...

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While searching Tes Nexus for files for gay guys I came across only one and it was poor almost insulting.


I would like to request if possible for someone to create a mod for gay guys/girls, a place to hang out, and get away from the relentlessly heterosexual world of oblivion.


I would create this myself but I am new to modding, if you could create this I would be very grateful, or even if you could give me information on how to mod properly.


Thanks, Steve



I just saw the "Scrubs" Episode again where J.D. starts to dance in the Morning before entering the Hospital. Turk comes up to him and says "What did i tell you about white Guys dancing in Pupblic?"

J.D.: "Not allowed unless you're gay..."

Then, a white Guy is dancing in front of them and they both say "morning Steve!"...


Sorry about that, just had to be done :D


Well, about your "Problem", you could get a Companion Mod to gather up some attractive young Men to let them "wait" at any Location you choose to be a "Gay Bar".


Every Woman present could be placed elsewhere or simply be disabled.

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so what the actual difference between gay and hetero bars? pink? lol... i didnt see anyone make out in oblivion yet thus theyre prolly mostly antisexual anyway... and maybe the gray mare is a gay bar too... did you ask anyone there yet?
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