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Change weapon appearance at grindstone?


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So I was thinking of making my first skyrim mod, and wanted to model a single sword to put into the game. While modeling isn't a problem, I wanted to know if a certain something was possible. So I wanted it to be possible for my weapon's appearance to change to a specific model when tempering it at a grindstone, as well as the stats. Like the default weapon would look different from the "flawless" version, which would look different from the "epic" version, so on and so forth. I doubt it's possible, but I just wanted to know, because I think a visual aspect of upgrading the weapon would be cool. Thanks in advance!

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  • 4 months later...

I'm not savvy with the CK but i would think what you want to do is possible but it would involve a series of models and a way to call those models based on the level of improvement which would meaning a script which would be able to look at the script in the main game that handles the improvement level and then call the correct model so you see it when you upgrade the weapon.


It will ultimately come down to your skill set weather or not you could pull it off (scripting isn't everyone's cup of tea.)

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