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Need Scripting Help


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I am currently trying to make a questline mod for Morrowind and I want the first quest of the line to begin when the player reaches level 65 or above. I have made the first journal entry (10) and have just made this script.


begin NC_RightToRuleScript


if ( player->GetLevel >= 65 )

Journal NC_RightToRule 10




end NC_RightToRuleScript



However it does not seem to be working, I am a newbie at scripting and am not what the problem is, I know the command is right but perhaps the variable isn't? In any case I need someone to point out what the problem is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

If it's not attached to anything then the script itself isn't running, and if you want it to be a global, you need to have a startscript in there, to specify that it doesn't need to be attached to anything.


Your best bet would be to make sure you have a startscript and stopscript in the script itself, that'll basically let the game know that it's a global and is constantly running.

Edited by NinjaGoddessAyra
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