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Don't set anything on fire!

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Every NPC I come across tell's me something or another about not setting things on fire. This would make a lot more sense if I had ever cast the flames spell a single time, or if I had a fire damage weapon equipped.


Do they make comments based on what weapons your companion is using ? Because Lydia does indeed have a fire weapon equipped in one of her hands. I'm so tired of hearing about setting things on fire I'm about to mod that line out of the game :)


Edit: I meant to post this in a different forum; though I suppose it's sort of mod related since I'm this moment looking through dialogue to find some of these annoying fire lines I keep hearing.

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The conditions for the skills are set very low, so even if you only leveled up an skill just a little, guards will talk you like you're a master of that skill. Sadly, they dont change their dialogue to reflect if you truly are a master of such skill.


Say that you have 100 archery, it would be awesome that one guard told you, instead of "you fancy the bow, eh?" something like "They say that you sniped a bandit in the deck of a ship from Solitude's walls!"


It would require like 3 more lines for each skill but being praised by the guards for your mastery of a particular skill would feel awesome :D

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I've started a new game and yet again I have this same bug. My character has cast a fire spell like 2 times to light oil patches on fire. Other than that she uses a 1 hand weapon almost all the time (other than a little bow sniping to soften em up.) Despite the fact that archery and 1 handers are both higher all they ever mention is fire.


Edit: I may have to give that mod a shot, ScarabMonkey. I'm way too lazy to go through all the dialogue to fix this, but it's driving me nuts :)

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