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skse64 problem


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k i go to skse34 load to open the game it tkes awile to open then just before the bethesda logo apears it crashes to desktop what can i do plus is there a way i can set it so i can use the normal icon to load game agin and still use skse64

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i re loaded mods that use it and skse64 and it still crashes the program files are in this PC> Windows(C:) > Program Files (86x) > Steam >steamapps > common > Skyrim Special Edition


That installation path might get you into trouble. You might run into "access denied" issues, because Windows seems to treat that folder similar to a system folder, which means some actions might be blocked. To be safe, install Skyrim somewhere out of "Program Files (x86)". Create a folder like c:\games\...


Not sure, if this is the cause of your problem though. With SKSE, version numbers of SKSE and the game itself matter. They must fit together. Current version of the game is 1.5.39, matching SKSE build is 2.07. Check, if that's the case in your setup.

Apart from that, SKSE was updated quite a bit with 2.07. So a lot of mods depending on SKSE have to be updated, too.


If you got mods depending on SKSE in your load order, doublecheck if they're already updated to SKSE 2.07. If not, don't use them for the moment. A single mod that's incompatible with the current version of SKSE can make your game unable to load... What you described in your first post (long black screen, followed by CTD before the Bethesda logo) is a typical symptom of mods not working with the current SKSE.

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