Denzark Posted April 27, 2012 Share Posted April 27, 2012 All hail Nexus Mod Manager which makes installing mods (in the main) fast and easy for I remember the days of manual lifting and sorting mods into the right places, what a nightmare :) I probably have more mods installed now than I have ever had. My game runs though it has a few bugs I cannot tell whats causing them, and 1 significant bug which is a crash everytime i cross the racetrack near Mojave Ranger Station south of Primm, where coincidentally there also is a set of doors hanging in the air, which open but lead nowhere and are not attached to anything lol. Ive left pretty much everything to Mod Manager but im going to list all my mods here because I wil always take advice on if I could better sort them. I also use FO3Edit everytime I add or remove mods, create a merged patch and so on, and no errors are logging except for a minor one in the Willow Mod which doesnt seem to effect anything. All mods have been placed either by auto sort or by me based on the mod makers advice as best I can. Before you ask I have double checked I have all the correct patches for all things to work together, as per creators advice and please do not give me advice on Load Order unless you know what your talking about, I dont want to shag up my game which is very delicately balanced with all these mods installed. But any sound advice would be well received :) FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmCaravanPack.esmClassicPack.esmMercenaryPack.esmTribalPack.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmProjectNevadaCore.esmProjectNevadaCyberware.espProjectNevadaEquipment.esmProjectNevadaRebalance.espwsex.esmRunTheLucky38.esmiHUD.esmaHUD.esmAdvancedReconTech.esmMorePerks.esmMorePerksForCompanions.esm .......... (Doesnt seem to do anything, probably because all my companions are non vanilla)[/right]MoreTraits.esm ......... (No idea what this is supposed to do, as I have no traits in game only perks, and not sure if its doing anything)IWSCore.esmLings.esmRHKGilbertCompanion.esmRHKGilbertCompanionLings.esp .......... (This has not applied the hair changes to Wendy it is supposed to, she still has her original hair, no idea why)Project NevadaDeadMoney.esp[/center]ProjectNevadaHonestHearts.espProjectNevadaOldWorldBlues.espProjectNevadaLonesomeRoad.espProjectNevadaGunRunnersArsenal.espWeoponModsExpanded.espWMXDeadMoney.espWMXGunRunnersArsenal.espWMXHonestHearts.espWMXLonesomeRoad.espWMXOldWorldBlues.espWMXPreOrderPackCaravan.espWMXPreOrderPackClassic.espWMXPreOrderPackMercenary.espWMXPreOrderPackTribal.espProjectNevadaWMX.espNewVegasBounties.espWMXArenovalisTextures.espCentered3rdPersonCamera.espwsexInnuendoAnims.espwsexInnuendoNPC's.espTailorMaidNV.espPopulatedCasinos.espTheWeoponModMenu.espTheLucky38Empire.espBetterBinocularsHigh.espQSBlackwolfNVBackpackMod.espPortableBedrollWellRestedIndoors.espFlashlightNVSE.espAdvancedReconGear.espAdvancedReconTech.espAdvancedReconGearProjectNevada.espTheModConfigurationMenu.espMorePerksUpdate.espMorePerksForCompanionsUpdate.espMoreTraitsUpdate.espNeckchains.espCompanionSandboxMode3.esp ......... (Not 100% certain if this is actually active and working, as not certain if current dialog is part of my companion Mods)KatieNPCEng.espNVWillow.espCASM.esp .........(Fantastic little tool that saves for you without you haaving to manually remember to save)IWSCoreGuards.espIWSCorePatrols.espIWSDM.espIWSHH.espIWSOWB.espIWSLR.espNevadaSkies.espFellout.esp .......... (Not 100% sure if this is working as it still seems quite bright at night to me. I was hoping for pitch dark, but its not the case in my game)InteriorLightingOverhaulUltimateEdition.espILOPipboyLight.espILONSkiesPatch.espCONELRAD6401240.espWorkbenchAndCampfireExpansion.espBZArmour.espLingsPrettyThings.espImpsMoreComplexNeeds.espIMCNNVsorted.espDenz13.esp ............. (This is my current merged patch using FO3Edit. The number denotes how many times I have built a merged patch as mods added) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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