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Machine People


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A race I would like someone to make is the following:


This race of creatures are made of a silvery metallic substance. Able to consume anything they are immune to all toxins and poisons, and everything is classed as food. They are unable to wear any armour or clothing as this would just be consumed within a matter of minutes. Also they absorb everything they carry and hold for more than 15 seconds. Everything they consume adds to their health, toughness and size. Water is the only thing they do not absorb. They do not need to breath, and their fists do large amounts of damage.


Basically the Machine people are a sea of nanobots on a semi solid skeletal structure. The more they consume the more nanobots they can make, and the bigger and denser they get.


For each 10 units of weight an object has, 0.01 will be added to the machine person's height and weight, and a +1 to their resistance to physical attacks.


75% immune to frost


50% immune to fire


250% weakness to shock


100% immune to poisons and diseases (Including Vampirism and Lycanthropy)


50% weakness to magicka


0 magicka to start and no spell casting abilities


Anything that is picked up is automatically consumed at the rate of 1 weight unit per second including gold which has a weight of 0.01


Unarmed attacks do 1.5X damage + 0.001 for each health point they have


They start at 10 health and 10 stamina and size 0.5


Has a lesser power of a lightning bolt that does 10 points of damage and costs 1 health to cast


No Health regeneration except when consuming objects


Starting skills will all be at 0 as it will be a new creation only seconds old


Able to detect life forces (Always on upto 120ft)


Night Vision can be turned on or off at will


Breath underwater


Their skin will be shiny silver or gold; like the silver surfer


Back Story:

Only a few seconds old this new creature was made in a lab in a different time and universe. Due to the nature of the technology used in its creation a rift in time and space opened up and instantly transported the Machine Person to Skyrim. Seconds later, you came online to find yourself in your current location.


I hope someone can help me with this.

Edited by Jason_Mackinnon
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