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I'm curious about other peoples opinion (Mod idea.)


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Hi there,


I have a curiosity question to ask the community here.. I am not going to delve into all the concepts behind my mod (I wouldn't count on it ever seeing completion in all honesty, time wise it's just not likely, I will release whatever I do finish, though) but instead I have a question for the more 'hardcore' fans of Elder Scrolls. Basically, I still want my mod's location to at least somewhat fit into lore w/o being completely out of place, as I need to add a large city as well as smaller ones. Basically, my idea is to build a region in the Velothi Mountain range area (The East side of the map, the range that seperates Skyrim from Morrowind. Now, in reality, the range in all accordance of the maps is wide, but not too wide, and there are passages that pass through. My question is, how far fetch would it feel to widen this area a bit, and more or less play it off as a "miss conception / false information" type of problem common in most maps, and that the reality is there is a small region located amongst the mountain range? It wouldnt drastically widen the range, it'd cover decent ground but mainly in length, as well as potentially adding offshore islands that are not commonly shown on maps either.


Sorry if my wording is confusing, it is easier for me to show my concept rather than explain it. I just want to see if anyone thinks it's a reasonable explanation / fit into the lore and world of the Elder Scrolls universe. I am not aiming for 100% lore friendly, but I would like to have some sense of it belonging. The main issue for me, is that the central city of said region, known as Tempest, is supposed to be a quite large, powerful / known city, which conflicts with the idea. I've toyed w/ various ideas as for explanation, but haven't made any final decisions. I suppose it could partially be explained due to Tempest being somewhat of a standalone power: it is technically apart of the Empire, but maintains a lot of independence, and doesn't involve itself in Morrowind nor Skyrim's politics if it can be avoided ( Refused to join the Skyrim civil war, for example).


Might seem like an odd / dumb question, or even an odd thing to even care about, but I would appreciate some opinions on the idea regardless. Most likely I will continue through with my original concept, unless I get some seriously bad feedback, but for the questlines and such I have in mind, this would be the ideal setup for me. Let me know what ya think, and I appreciate all feedback.


Again I can't guarantee this will ever see the light of day so I am not trying to gain publicity or anything at this point, nor am I seeking help currently, either. That may change though. :)


Thanks again,


Sir JuJoo Guppy

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I think most people don't care too much about lore on the type of mod you are building. People would have to go visit your city to see changes in lore. A bigger problem would be if you made a mod that changed lore everywhere. Like if you had little green men who were the inhabitants of Tempest living in all the cities in Skyrim, people would complain. But no Elder Scrolls game has really built the area you are talking about I don't think. (Maybe Daggerfall did. I didn't play it. I guess Cyrodiil was tropical jungle in that game.) Morrowind only built VVardenfel, one island. So you are probably pretty free to build whatever you want in that piece of Morrowind, and nobody can say you are wrong with much conviction. (There have also been 200 years that have passed and there could be new countries that have formed such as the Aldmeri Dominion.)
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Sounds good to me but I am not a lore fanatic either. As long as it is something that doesn't stray drastically from the ES "feel" of the game I have no problem with it. I would give this a shot when you get it completed.
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Thank you all for your feedback, it's much appreciated. I have no intention of departing from the feel and atmosphere of Skyrim & The Elder Scrolls at all, I am aiming for a flawless integration of my lands, storys, and characters. I really do appreciate your feedback. Kudos for you guys. :)
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Actualy it would be 400 years since Morrowind David. Morrowind was 200 years before Oblivion and Skyrim is 200 years after. Like DavidBrasher said allot can happen in 200 years but in 400 years everything will have changed in some ways. The only thing I dont really like about your idea is the name. Tempest doesn't sound very Elder Scroll styled for a city name.
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