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Mods to make me look like a Night Elf Demon Hunter


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So I'm trying to make a character that basically looks like a Night Elf Demon Hunter from Warcraft III, but I'm having trouble with finding the right mods.


Any suggestions? Or does someone think they might be able to pull up a save file in Helgen that would fit my criteria?

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Warglaives of Azzinoth (green)

Daggercraft (shard of azzinoth)


some sort of warpaint for eyes


Dont know exact name of mod but something with 'demon wings'


Actual demon hunters (other than Illidan) didn't have wings. Most had the blindfold, although some didn't (rare). They also had tattoos covering them that kind of "locked in" the power inside of them. Just because Illidan has demon wings, doesn't mean every demon hunter did.


more info at http://www.wowwiki.com/Demon_hunter

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