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Show all equipped weapons (within reason)


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I was wondering if it would be possible for someone with the necessary knowledge to create a mod that allows sheathed weapons to be seen on the player while others are equipped.

For example if i have magic equipped to be able to see all of my other weapons on my body without them magically appearing when i use my hot keys.

I think that if someone were to create this mod it would become very popular n the community, and not to mention make everyone's characters look a lot more badass having one handed, two handed weapons and a bow on their bodies all at one


Would be extremely greatfull if this was created.


Thanks ice.

Edited by icemonkeyjr
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so if you were carrying 100 weapons you would expect to see them all?


The closest you will get is a mod called "armed to the teeth" or something like that. You will have to google for it. :thumbsup:

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I was wondering if it would be possible for someone with the necessary knowledge to create a mod that allows sheathed weapons to be seen on the player while others are equipped.

For example if i have magic equipped to be able to see all of my other weapons on my body without them magically appearing when i use my hot keys.

I think that if someone were to create this mod it would become very popular n the community, and not to mention make everyone's characters look a lot more badass having one handed, two handed weapons and a bow on their bodies all at one


Would be extremely greatfull if this was created.


Thanks ice.


No just at least one of each :) a one handed n you hip sheath a two hander and bow and your back with your quiver.

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