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Ok I have a problem, I am creating a house mod...well more of a palace...

and I don't have any doors that work... IE almost all double doors are either teleport doors and don't have a back, (same with some nice looking single doors) or don't open all the way for the same reason...... :O

anyone know how to make doors, or make them open all the way...

and would like to share with this humble modder?

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did you connect them in the reference menu? Ya'know, make the yellow markers appear by telling the door where to teleport person at position X to position Y?

not wanting a teleport door.... i am wanting to make a teleport formated door into a regular door...

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ah, I understand now. You can't do that because those doors have certain animations. The "teleport doors" you are referring to are actually "Load Doors." Most Load doors come with a normal door equivalent. You might wanna look around more for it.
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except there aren't...

there are a few doors like some for Malkarth, High Throngar, Skyhaven temple, and so on that don't have non load door equivalent, even if they have two sides... High Hrongar hasn't any...but then Hrongar seems messed up to me all together @_@

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