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Followers Heal Player


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I've been tinkering around with some of the restoration spells, and I have manged to create a projectile healing spell. (Aimed) Looks cool and everything, and I can use it on my follower to heal her from a distance, but I was wondering if there was any way to enable my follower to use it on me. I forced her to learn the spell through the console, but after doing some searching around it doesn't look like there is any AI in place to prompt a follower to heal the player.


So my question is this, is there any mod software out there that adds this component to the follower AI?

Edited by Tsumikiro
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You might be able to do it through the use of Package AIs. I fooled around with it once but abandoned it for the time being. If you want a companion to do it in combat though I think you need to set it up as a combat override. I'm not entirely sure, I'd like to find out as well.
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This is a rather difficult task that experts have been discussing and trying to figure out how to perform. I don't know if they have succeeded yet. One of these days, I will probably try working on it again.


This is not exactly what you want, but in this mod: Followers Unlimited, the follower named Deet-Jaraw will heal you if you talk to her and ask her to heal you.

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To get them to do it naturally you will need to rework the way they target in combat. Right now they will only target enemies unless scripted to target a friendly like in the post above mine or the mod posted 2 posts above. Then you have the issue where once they target an enemy they will remain targeted until the enemy is gone.
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