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'Master of the Mind' dungeons


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Unless I'm willing to cast muffle constantly i do not level illusion very fast. This is because only half the dungeons/caves/ruins in the game have actors that can be affected. I would like to see 3 seperate dungeons made with a Deadra, Undead, and Dwenmer boss at the end respectively. The bosses can cast fear, frenzy, and calm on your summons/followers to turn them against you and if you defeat the boss then your illusion will affect the same type as the boss. Ex) An undead boss who casts frenzy. If you defeat him your illusion spells will work on undead. Maybe even make illusion spells a requirement to make it through the dungeon to the boss. This would make it more fun to get 'Master of the mind' earlier but also present a challenge to get it.
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