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FO4 custom followers not following


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I have downloaded several custom followers for Fallout 4. When talking to them, they all have the "follow me" command at the bottom of the talk radial. I hit it, and the dialogue closes after my character and follower shake their heads affirmative, the radial closes; then the follower goes back to some idle function like sitting or eating, etc. They will not follow me, not matter how far from their position I go.



I have tried to resurrect them. I have used console command SetRelationshipRank Player 4 and SetPlayerTeamMate 1. No error was reported. No change to their following of me.


Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution. I have spent several hours reading posts all over the web, I have gotten nowhere :(


It cannot be just the follower, because I have followers from different authors and it happens to all of them.


Thank you for any help anyone might provide.

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Follow up with further information. Standalone Follower Pheobe works without issue.

I have encountered 2 followers inside a structure and they refuse to leave the structure. Even when I leave the structure and give them the command to stand closer to me (outside), they run out to the point, then immediately turn around and run back inside.

I have also encountered one follower in the wild and she just stands there.


Any ideas?

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