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Npc Render Distance


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Ok, I just downloaded a Skyrim Wine Wrapper (I'm running on a mac incase you don't know what that is), and it runs fine other than the fact that I can't see npc's until they are right up on my face. So I looked up how to fix it and i found out about the Skyrim.INI. I added the uCellstoLoad line, and it did nothing, and I can't seem to find any more information. So can someone please give me a more in depth explantation to fix my problem, or better yet post an entire Skyrim.INI file for me to copy paste? Thanks in advance,
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It's ugridstoload, not ucellstoload. Be careful though, if you raise your ugrids it can lead to crashing, and if you save with a high ugrids you won't be able to go back to a lower value without starting a new game or going through a very tedious and annoying procedure to revert the ugrids.

I'm also not sure how effective raising the ugridstoload will be for making actors visible further away.


(Also, to the admins, it just occurred to me that running Skyrim with a wrapper might be prohibited on the Nexus? I have no idea, and if it is, I'm sorry for posting.)

Edited by Rennn
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