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Quest making help


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Okay, well I need help doing some basic quest making. I have created a character and the dialogue, he has everything he needs but I don't understand how to script this or well do a lot. What I want to happen is the actor says his dialogue then immediately attacks the player, after he's killed he has a key on his person for the character to loot from him. I want talking to him to start the quest and picking up the key to end it... Can someone help?


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On the last dialog topic used in talking to the NPC before he attacks you, you would place a script Papyrus fragment sort of like this:




Talking to him to start the quest would use a Papyrus fragment like this on the proper dialog info:





Picking up the key to end the quest would involve putting a script sort of like this on the key:


Quest Property GSQ01  Auto  

Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference newContainer, ObjectReference oldContainer)
if (newContainer == Game.GetPlayer())


Source of script: Quest-Making Tutorial

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I think you should do like this:


- go to "quest aliases" tab, right click and add a new alias ---> check "unique actor" and in the dropdown select your NPC (NOTE: your NPC should be tagged as "unique" when creating him) ---> name it myNPC ---> click ok


- go to the last dialogue from the NPC and write this papyrus fragment: GetOwningQuest().SetStage(x) where x is the next stage for the quest


- now go to "quest stages tab", click on the x stage you wrote in the dialogue fragment and write this papyrus fragment (you have to 1st add a new quest item by right clicking ---> new on the "quest item" window): Alias_myNPC.GetReference().StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer())


This should make it work

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