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Stardew Valley

Tool hit location always showing even when moving.


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Hey I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but I'm using a handful of mods and i have my options sit to not show the tool hit location when im moving but it still is. Do any of these mods ring a bell as one that would cause this? here's my smapi loadout. also using one of ace's expanded farms

[sMAPI] SMAPI 2.5.5 with Stardew Valley 1.2.33 on Microsoft Windows 10 Home
[sMAPI] Mods go here: S:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 413150
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561198293345805 [API loaded no]
[sMAPI] Entoarox Framework seems to change the save serialiser. It may change your saves in such a way that they won't work without this mod in the future.
[sMAPI] Loaded 12 mods:
[sMAPI] Automate 1.9.1 by Pathoschild | Lets you automate crafting machines, fruit trees, and more by connecting them to chests.
[sMAPI] Better Ranching 1.6.2 by Urbanyeti | Prevents failed milk/shear attempts and displays when animals can be milked/sheared and petted.
[sMAPI] ChestsAnywhere 1.12.4 by Pathoschild | Access your chests from anywhere and organise them your way.
[sMAPI] CJB Cheats Menu 1.17 by CJ Bok | Simple in-game cheats menu!
[sMAPI] CJB Item Spawner 1.10 by CJ Bok | Simple in-game item spawner!
[sMAPI] Console Commands 2.5.5 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game.
[sMAPI] ContentPatcher 1.3.1 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data and images without changing the game files.
[sMAPI] Entoarox Framework 2.4 by Entoarox | A collection of API's to make modding easier
[sMAPI] Experience Bars 1.1.2 by spacechase0 | Shows experience bars in the top-left corner.
[sMAPI] LookupAnything 1.18.1 by Pathoschild | View metadata about anything by pressing a button.
[sMAPI] NPC Map Locations Mod 2.0.1 by Bouhm | Shows NPCs and farmers on the map. Uses a modified map page for accurate tracking.
[sMAPI] Xnb Loader 1.1.10 by Entoarox | Safely load custom xnb files without touching your Content directory!
[sMAPI] Loaded 20 content packs:
[sMAPI] Babies Take After Spouse - Shane Baby 1.2 by lakoria | for ContentPatcher | Changes the baby spritesheets.
[sMAPI] Babies Take After Spouse - Shane Female Toddler 1.2 by lakoria | for ContentPatcher | Changes the female toddler spritesheets.
[sMAPI] Babies Take After Spouse - Shane Male Toddler 1.2 by lakoria | for ContentPatcher | Changes the Male toddler spritesheets.
[sMAPI] Eemie's Just A New Map Recolour - CP Conversion 1.1 by minervamaga and eemiestardew | for ContentPatcher | A conversion of Eemie's map palette mod
[sMAPI] Elle's Blue Chicken Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces Blue Chicken.xnb and BabyBlue Chicken.xnb!
[sMAPI] Elle's Brown Chicken Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces Brown Chicken.xnb and BabyBrown Chicken.xnb!
[sMAPI] Elle's Brown Cow Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces Brown Cow.xnb and BabyBrown Cow.xnb!
[sMAPI] Elle's Duck Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces Duck.xnb!
[sMAPI] Elle's Goat Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces Goat.xnb and BabyGoat.xnb!
[sMAPI] Elle's Horse Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces horse.xnb!
[sMAPI] Elle's Junimo Huts 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | A replacement for your junimo huts!
[sMAPI] Elle's Natural Obelisks 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | A replacement for your earth and water obelisks for every season!
[sMAPI] Elle's Pig Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces Pig.xnb and BabyPig.xnb!
[sMAPI] Elle's Rabbit Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces Rabbit.xnb and BabyRabbit.xnb!
[sMAPI] Elle's Seasonal Buildings 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | A replacement for all buildings on your farm for each season!
[sMAPI] Elle's Seasonal Shane Coop Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | A replacement for the coop Shane builds when you're married!
[sMAPI] Elle's Sheep Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces Sheep.xnb, ShearedSheep.xnb, and BabySheep.xnb!
[sMAPI] Elle's Void Chicken Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces Void Chicken.xnb and BabyVoid Chicken.xnb!
[sMAPI] Elle's White Chicken Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces White Chicken.xnb and BabyWhite Chicken.xnb!
[sMAPI] Elle's White Cow Replacement 1.0 by Elle/Junimods | for ContentPatcher | Replaces White Cow.xnb and BabyWhite Cow.xnb!
[Xnb Loader] Parsing `ModContent` for files to redirect the content manager to...
[Xnb Loader] Found a file that does not exist in the vanilla content, if this is intentional you can ignore this warning: summer_outdoorsTileSheet.es-ES.xnb
[Xnb Loader] Found a file that does not exist in the vanilla content, if this is intentional you can ignore this warning: summer_outdoorsTileSheet.ja-JP.xnb
[Xnb Loader] Found a file that does not exist in the vanilla content, if this is intentional you can ignore this warning: summer_outdoorsTileSheet.pt-BR.xnb
[Xnb Loader] Found a file that does not exist in the vanilla content, if this is intentional you can ignore this warning: summer_outdoorsTileSheet.xnb
[Xnb Loader] Found a file that does not exist in the vanilla content, if this is intentional you can ignore this warning: summer_outdoorsTileSheet.zh-CN.xnb
[Xnb Loader] Parsing complete, found and redirected [43] files
[sMAPI] Type 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
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