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Secret, unique-looking crude two-handed and heavy gauntlets in Cidhna


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The topic title is self-explanatory. In the quest 'Nobody Escapes Cidhna Mine', you have two options to escape - either kill a specific prisoner in the mine and help all the Forsworn inside escape, or kill the big bad Madanach and escape on your own with his key. Your only real method of attacking the latter merely consists of:


  • A shiv obtained from a small trade chain.
  • Destruction magic and shouts (though shouting alone won't do a lot)
  • Dual pickaxes if you're really desperate.


On a playthrough with a character that specializes in Heavy Armor and Two-Handed, I did not have an effective method of killing Madanach (other than using the console) because he was up to my level (Lv30) and I couldn't manage to kill him with a combination of the above. There was simply no two-handed weapons or anything I could use to benefit from Fists of Steel. Yes, I could simply use the Creation Kit and implement in something like a pair of Iron Gauntlets or Warhammer hidden in the mine. However, those don't really look like something that you would make in a mine, after all that one-handed shiv looks pretty crude. As for escaping with them? Nah, Forsworn can die for all I care.


So my mod request/suggestion would be the ability to make things a little more easier for those characters who can't use the above effectively but want to kill off the Forsworn. My suggestion/request would be to make original, unique 'crude' versions of a pair of Heavy Gauntlets and a Two-Handed weapon. You can use your imagination to picture what these could possibly look like - personally, I was thinking of a bunch of bands and sticks with a shiv or a chunk of metal tied on for the gauntlets, and a light, fast swinging, low damage wooden staff/stick with a stone or shiv tied to the end of it for the weapon. If you want to be silly, maybe a giant shiv.


This mod could be implemented in a few ways:


  • A - Simply found in the mine in secret locations. Maybe add clues if it's well concealed, as undelivered notes between Forsworn members to add on why they're there.
  • B - The player has to craft them. Around the mine would be things like leather straps, loose stones, and wood, and if it is involved, the shiv the player is given from the prisoner. To craft, the player either finds a secret makeshift anvil, or a prompt asking them to make a weapon or not after all components for one of them are obtained. If they say no, they are told to drop a relevant item and pick it up again if they want the prompt again.
  • C - When obtaining the shiv from the prisoner, he asks the player how they want it - as a normal shiv, on a wooden staff, or as gauntlets. Probably the easiest option on how to implement the mod.

So basically - I'd love to use a makeshift-like two-handed weapon and pair of gauntlets be somehow obtainable in Cidhna Mine without cheating with the console. This obviously of course needs a 3D modeler + texture artist for the weapons, but that's about it really. I don't care about 2048x2048 textures or whatever, as long as they just fit in nicely.


Thanks for reading my request, and thanks again if you can make such mod a reality.

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