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Some ideas for a more roguish Dragonscale set.


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I don't put much faith in requests, but it doesn't hurt to ask, maybe someone likes this idea. Dragonscale is the best and therefore the most used light armor, but it looks heavy (specially the male version), not fit for a rogue. I would really like to see a totally different version of it, without bones, only dragonscales and leather, and a hood w/ mask instead of a helmet, similar to the Nightingale Hood or the Dark Brotherhood Shrouded Hood. A simple re-texturization of the Guild Master's, Thieves Guild or maybe Linwe's set would do the trick (adding a mask to the Hood if possible). There's a Dragonscale Hood mod with nice textures to start with: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3300
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