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Wood skin replacer for The Shiny Haxorus FN P90


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I wanted to ask if any of you cool modders could make a made texture and material replacer for the FN p90 by The Shiny Haxorus. I sort of want this reskin to be sort of like the RC90 from golden eye expect almost everything is wooden expect the rail, muzzle, charge handle, and magazine. I also would like the wood to be slightly worn IF you can of course. Lastly just to make sure I would like wood textures to be realistic and material not the N64 graphics style. I sort of just want the p90 to fit in the fallout world where plastic is not to common, unless I am wrong and plastic is plentiful.


He is what I sort of looking for:



Before I go I wanted to ask a few questions:

Is it ok to request these reskin for other mods?

Do I need the author/creators permission?

If you don't wanna make the mod how do I do it myself?

Do I need a lot of experience in blender or maybe the creation kit?

How difficult is to make a mod sort of like this?


Thank you for your time and I hope you have a nice day. :smile:

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