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New script issues


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So I planned on making a script for a magic effect in the Creation Kit but I keep getting the pop-up window saying "The extends script does not exist, please pick one that does"


I'm the type of person who wants to solve my own issues but after researching, looking for solutions in forums, updated and scanned the CK, refreshed the script/source files that comes with SKSE and eventually reinstalling everything... I probably need some proffessional help by now. x3


All the topics I could find only mentioned that one update from 2015 that the source files got mislocated and you only had to place them back to fix this problem, but I've checked my folders. Both the .pex and .psc I need (activemagiceffect) are where they're supposed to be.


Anything else I can try or... am I being completely (blonde) oblivious?

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Are you talking about the CK for SSE? I had a problem like this too. For some reason, the SSE CK has switched around the scripts and sources directories, so now it's Data\sources\scripts instead of Data\scripts\sources. Try copying the SKSE sources there (.psc into sources\scripts\).


Apparently you can add the following to CreationKit.ini in order to fix the order (instead of doing the above), but I haven't tried it yet:

sScriptSourceFolder = "Data\Scripts\Source"
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I actually saw someone else also suggest that you need that line in the .ini file and it works like a charm now. Kind of weirds me out though, that CK SE flipped the route for source files.


Thanks a lot for the reply though!

Yeah, I tried it after writing my response and it works great for me too. Bethesda's just weird sometimes.

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