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Schools of Magic

Varus Torvyn

Polus Polls Inc.  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Which school is your favorite to Role-Play with?

    • Alteration
    • Conjuration
    • Destruction
    • Illusion
    • Mysticism
    • Restoration

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My first choice when I was running Oblivion (unmodded) & SI was Destruction.


Now that I have some magic mods loaded in, my top choice is Conjuration. Now I can have epic battles with the Midas Angel, Dwemer Centurion, Dark Guardian, and a Dremora Lord.


Heck of a light show inside a dark dungeon when you've got that many magic casters around. ;D

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My personal choice would have to be destruction. I dislike close combat, so I tend to stay back and hurl fireballs at my enemies. Plus, it's always fun to mess with the havoc engine and blow up a room full of small objects.


You make a good point about conjuration, though. I've never been a big fan of summoning creatures, though, seeing as how I inadvertently hit them with a spell while they're fighting. They don't appreciate that, and they'll either die or turn and start fighting me. So I try to stay away from summoning spells, and I really only use them because some of the creatures look cool.

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You make a good point also. it was actually a tough decision for me to change from Destruction to Conjuration, as I too agree with your long-distance battle plan. It's fun to take out those nasty will-o-the-wisps with a combo Shock-Fire-Frost spell. Made a stronger version of it, called it "Arch-Mage's Wrath".
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Did you try a "Detect Life" spell while it was invisible? I think you can still see it then (like the invisible mage in Aleswell, I saw him by using that).
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I guess I should have mentioned that you don't have to wait for it to wear off when you're done using it. A "Dispel" spell (with equal power to the "Detect Life") will take the spell effect away. You probably already know that, but it doesn't hurt to mention it as a "just-in-case."


The reason I mentioned it is because the Wiki pointed out something I agreed with. The effect on "Detect Life" makes visible faces look funny.

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Nothing but Illusion. I can take out an entire fortress of Marauders without inflicting any damage.


Invisibility, Command Creature/Humanoid, Paralysis, Demoralise, Rally, Frenzy... bending the wills of others. It's truly the most powerful tool of all, after all, A mind is a terrible thing to waste.


Conjuration takes second place, as I need Turn Undead to fill my repotire of Commanding spells. Not to mention the fact I can then Summon Dremora Lords while half the enemy is either dead or under my control, and the other half is either fleeing, paralysed or rallying (with next to no HP left).


Destruction is less fun because it's pretty much a necessity. That being said, I love my High-Elf-Instakill-Quad-Damage-Over-Time spells.

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