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Question about mods and cells


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I am working on a quest mod that adds a few npcs to the winking skeever. My question is: if another mod changes the winking skeever will my mod still work properly? And my second question is, if I moved the npcs to a different cell, in like say the bee and barb in riften, would the winking skeever still have the edits? if so how can i clean these up? Edited by Guest
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If both your mod and another mod adds NPCs to the Winking Skeever, they should both work. There would just be lots of NPCs there. There have been reports of this kind of thing causing CTDs. However, I think what was happening was both mods edited the same reference. So if your mod mod moved one of the tables to the right, and another mod moved the same table to the left, then maybe that would cause unstable buggy Skyrim to crash.


If you move your NPCs, there will still be edits to The Winking Skeever, but you can modclean them out. Modcleaning Tutorial

Edited by David Brasher
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