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Creation Kit - Some Statics turn Invisible..


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I'm currently creating a small estate (a new worldspace) at the border between Skyrim and Hammerfell and as I'm building the place I find that at certain times objects (statics) just become invisible, making it very difficult to line up the pieces. If I duplicate the object and remove one of them I can see it again, but then when I rotate the camera to a different angle, it ends up vanishing (turning invisible again). Does anyone know how to prevent this from happening?


BTW: If I load the Mod in-game it loads all the pieces in the mod, it's just in the creation kit that they turn invisible. I can still select them and see the green-redish selection borders, but not the piece itself.

Edited by EdjeNoh
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It works. Thanks a lot, helps me progress my Mod much faster. It's starting to look better and better. Still a lot of work to be done, though, as I want a full-fledged city/mini-province with a lot of different area's, NPC's and some quests in it. Cheers
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It works. Thanks a lot, helps me progress my Mod much faster. It's starting to look better and better. Still a lot of work to be done, though, as I want a full-fledged city/mini-province with a lot of different area's, NPC's and some quests in it. Cheers



Hope to try it soon than :)

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I'll put it on the Nexus once it's finished. Will probably take quite some time, though, working out the quests and putting in the dialogue. I guess I'll start a thread with some pictures from the development of the mod soon for those who want to check it out beforehand.
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