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Just Who Do You Think You Are?

Aerin Morth

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I imagined my Battlemage as having been through a terrible experience at a young age. He unfortunately witnessed the death of his entire family at the hands of rogue Conjurers.


As a young lad of eight, he swore vengeance upon those who would wield magic against innocent people that had no protection from evil magic.


He studied as much as he dared by finding old, musty scrolls within the dank & musty halls of crumbling dungeons. When he came of age, he decided he wanted to become a member of the Mages Guild.


Unfortunately - and he still doesn't know why - he was arrested & placed into the Imperial Prison. ;D


His adventure begins anew there.

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Sounds pretty cool, Varus.


I have way too many characters to list, but I'll just start with my mage.


She was born in Morrowind to a single mother who had no time to raise a child while dealing with her duties as a Telvanni sorcerer. She grew up by herself, and was fairly shy by nature, preferring to read tomes rather than play in the mud with other children.


At the age of ten, her mother died suddenly from food poisoning, and while the murderer(a rival Telvanni mage) was allowed to walk freely, she was entrusted into the care of a reclusive wizard. She, along with several other apprentices, learned magic from the man.


At sixteen, her mentor was killed by two ambitious apprentices, and she ran away thereafter, choosing to lead a life far away from the wicked politics of the Telvanni. She traveled across Morrowind, taking a boat to Mournhold and staying there for a while. She soon left, however, and continued on to Valenwood.


While helping enslaved Argonian prisoners escape their captor's, she was caught and thrown into the Imperial Prison, where she began a whole new adventure.


Now she's the Archmage of the Mages Guild in Cyrodiil, and is working to combat the Daedra pouring through the Oblivion Gates. She's not a member of the Blades, seeing as how she has plenty of work cut out for her as the Archmage.

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Can I ask you something? Why all the PC's have heart breaking stories that fills your eyes with tears? I mean lost parents, growing up alone on the streets, missing siblings and such :D I didnt hear any story like, boy runs away from home and becomes a sell sword, a ruthless mercenery or something... Always the life treats unfair our heroes and they have to take up arms and become the man of the hour or something :D
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Can I ask you something? Why all the PC's have heart breaking stories that fills your eyes with tears? I mean lost parents, growing up alone on the streets, missing siblings and such :D I didnt hear any story like, boy runs away from home and becomes a sell sword, a ruthless mercenery or something... Always the life treats unfair our heroes and they have to take up arms and become the man of the hour or something :D

You've never read one of my stories have ya. You want dark story read this http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...mp;#entry487493 :thumbsup:.

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My character is a ranger type with a twist. He doesn't love nature and isn't good willed.


He grew up in Syeda Neen in Morrowind, with only his mother and father, who both wanted him to become a chef so that one day he might make food in one of the Houses. While apprenticing at a breadbaker he discovered a talent wich made him bake the bread faster by casting fire at it.

One day the Baker saw his apprentice doing this and reported him as a rogue magician to the authorities. He didn't want to stay and find out what they would do to him if they caught him so he took his fathers bow and ran into the Wilderness. He evaded the Legion and Mages guild foryears and killed his first man at the age of 18, an Imperial legion Scout who was out looking for some bandits in the nearby area.

He took the man's sword and learnt the skill of swordsmanship. Knowing that he would become a wanted criminal if the legion found out about what he had done he snuck onto a pirate ship and hitched a ride to wherever the ship was going.


One night while drunk the captain stumbled upon him in the hull and screamed for his crew. He got slaughtered in front of his whole crew by the fugitive and the crew immediatly swore allegiance to the killer, because they worked on the principle you keep what you kill. He sailed around the coast of Cyrodiil and got ambushed by an Imperial fleet near Anvil. Scared he jumped overboard and escaped notice,taking only a small dent to his pride.


He then went to live in Bravil and started an assassination business from his home. He was quite successful until a member from the DB came lead him into a trap wich got him caught by the Legion and he ended up in jail.

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Because dark and depressing stories are simply more fun to create than a simple story. Would you rather have you level 50 Knight remember growing up as a difficult ordeal that tested his faith, or as a happy little adventure where he ran around all day picking flowers?


Sarya: I'm sorry, I didn't notice the other topics like this. I guess this is rather pointless now, isn't it?

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Carah is constantly torn between good and evil, and those looking in from the outside tend to wonder where her loyalties lie. In the long run she always follows her heart. She is a warrior through and through. A great loyal friend to her comrades, and anyone who wants to help her. She hates the relm of Oblivion with a passion, and loves taking down the gates.


Her interests include: nude mudcrab watching, buddah bowling, erotica, cave diving, base jumping (with her horse Nimrodel), and candle light dinners on the beach.


Her weaknesses are: Older guys, especially the bald ones (aka, Jauffre), sweetrolls, shopping, starting fights with Orcs, and stealing people's mail.


Her eyes are green

Long copper hair

She is 5'1" tall

weighing at 130 lb.

her age is 29


Her weapons of choice is a elven short sword, and Hadhafang


She has a fetish for corrupting preists, which she doesn't hide, especially when she includes Martin in the acts. She does learn alot from him (amazing what you can learn from an ex-deadra whorshipper).

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