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Weird skidding backwards effect when hit in battle


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It's a very odd experience and I'm not sure if it's only just become an issue or whether Ive only just noticed it. When I fight with a weapon in Oblivion I get hit often which is quite normal but my character gets hit and slides as if on ice backwards usually into a wall cornering him and then multiple opponents lay into him and sure enough in 10 seconds he's dead!


Now I've modded for a year now and have tweaked various settings in the CS before but I can't figure out how to stop this weird sliding backwards thing. I'm not running any combat mods so that eliminates a bug in one of those so it must just be a vanilla issue which surely the CS could address.


The question is does anyone know what setting would influence the player being knocked back? I'm not talking about being knocked down on the ground, I'm referring to the recoil animation that occurs once hit by an attacker. Whilst recoiling the character seems to slide backwards with no noticable traction with the ground.


I hope this makes sense, I can't really explain it any other way.

Please, if someone knows what to do or has experienced a similar problem could they help me out?


Many thanks

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