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How to get' contreras back as fully-working merchant?


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Stupidly enough I have chosen to put Col. Contreras in prison.

Dozens of gameplay hours later; I realised that I am missing a ton of nice stuff that he sells.


Is there a way to get him back to his shop? Or atleast, make him fully work again so with all his vendor functions.

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hmm not sure, but if its any help the NCR merchant at the 188 trading post sells most of what he would, just less of it (No obscene amounts of 5mm surplus for one)


My mod CASE does revamp all the vendors to have much more ammo/weapons/etc. You might consider using it and then you would not miss one vendor (Who takes a very long walk to get to).

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Hey Cyberlazy,


Quite funny, I am already using your mod. I have installed it a while ago and I love it!


Anyways, Col. Contreras is the only merchant that contains super jet, and a steady ammount of regular jet.

There are some more unique items he sells, I cant remember them correctly now.

He is also the only one which sells a adequat ammount of 12.X mm bullets. Even with your mod, those bullets are rare to find at vendors. Or atleast the ones I met, I have a gameplay time of 65H now. So correct me If am wrong on the last sentences.

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Hmm well they should be showing up at the vendors I moded (Chet, 188 vendors, boomer, Cliff) should have a decent supply of ammo now and then.


Im pertty sure you can make ultra jet in my mod from regular jet and some other drugs (Sugar + some of the chems from cateye/nightstalker blood, psyco or steady)


I don't recall him selling much that was unique other then ultra jet and lots of 5mm ammo.

I doubt he has nearly as much 12.7mm ammo as you recall with CASE installed.. Have you considered just crafting more 12.7mm ammo?

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Yup, I can make it all myself. To be really honest the motivation to get Contreras working again was just laziness.

I have been googlin' around also. And the only solution and conclusion is; I got to go to the crafting table, and just put some item-gathering and work in it.:P


Thanks for the help good sire!

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