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Oblivion CS is hiding files

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Did you install from a disk or through Steam?


I have the disk myself and always install the game in

C:\Oblivion rather than Program Files

This way I don't have to worry about Windows UAC stuff



Also, for the heck of it, open Windows Explorer.

Left side, click on whatever Drive you installed Oblivion in

then in the upper right

do a Search for an esp you know should be in the data folder

simpler the search the better.

If you do a search like Bashed Patch

it will try to return a bunch of hits with the word Bashed

and a bunch of hits for Patch

so keep it simple

you can try .bsa (thats dot bsa)

There are several bsa files in the data folder

ie Oblivion - Meshes.bsa

looking at the hits, you may find hints to where its located


once it pulls up the results, you can play around with the 'View'

so you can reveal more details about the files

Right click somewhere in the right side in a blank area

click view and select something like 'Details' or 'Content'



not sure if it will look inside files like the one Drake mentioned

but its worth a try.

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Wow dude, you found everything! Thanks! All the disappearing files were located exactly where you said they'd be. I'm not sure what I can do to stop if from sending them there but at least now I know how to find them and relocate them.

Edited by Grindspice
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