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Duration of moderation review?


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I found a mod that I have an interest in, Wrath of Nature, however there was a minor hangup. Despite being available for oldrim, the special edition version of the mod ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15601 ) is currently under moderation review.


First off, let it be said, I do understand the warnings not to ask around things like 'why is the mod under review' and such, that's not what I am asking. Instead, I merely was wanting to know if anybody else has had experience with moderation review of their mods, and roughly speaking how long it took before the issue was sorted, and their mods were back online (if that was the case, anyway).


I may yet attempt (privately) to convert the oldrim version, but nevertheless I am curious as to how long these things generally last.


Also, forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong sub-forum. I am not an avid forum user - and typically merely lurk.

Edited by Swordblazer8
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Generally, it takes as long as it takes. We (the Staff) are fairly proactive once we become engaged. The most common reason for a long delay is that the uploader never responds to the notice/query about the mod we sent. Nothing we can do about that. :no:

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Generally, it takes as long as it takes. We (the Staff) are fairly proactive once we become engaged. The most common reason for a long delay is that the uploader never responds to the notice/query about the mod we sent. Nothing we can do about that. :no:

I am, of course, patient, and am not complaining, as some would do that "the mods are soooooo slow..."


Rather, I am more looking for a gauge where I can decide whether or not to simply write-off the mod entirely, a "if it's not back up in X months, then it probably won't be back up at all" kind of thing.

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Usually if we haven't had a response in two weeks (sometimes three, depending on circumstance), you can pretty much write it off.


If a file's been under review for longer than that, then it's either still being "worked on" with all relevant parties and there's some stumbling blocks, or it's been (unfortunately) lost in the paperwork pile due to a busy time for staff, or that the staff member handling it has taken time off.

In the case of the above file, it's a permissions issue - so unless the original author grants permission for the ported version it's not going to be available and will be removed in time.

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If a file's been under review for longer than that, then it's either still being "worked on" with all relevant parties and there's some stumbling blocks, or it's been (unfortunately) lost in the paperwork pile due to a busy time for staff, or that the staff member handling it has taken time off.


Or, the uploader just never responds... When challenged, admitting to the use of someone else's material without permission is something most mod thieves don't do.

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Usually if we haven't had a response in two weeks (sometimes three, depending on circumstance), you can pretty much write it off.


If a file's been under review for longer than that, then it's either still being "worked on" with all relevant parties and there's some stumbling blocks, or it's been (unfortunately) lost in the paperwork pile due to a busy time for staff, or that the staff member handling it has taken time off.

In the case of the above file, it's a permissions issue - so unless the original author grants permission for the ported version it's not going to be available and will be removed in time.

Thanks for the advice then ^.^


It's already been one week to my knowledge, so I'll give it another, and barring that I'll probably make due with converting the oldrim version (and not uploading it, of course)

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