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Nuka World Raider Gear Mods?


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Hi! So I don't really post to the forums often, so if this is in the wrong thread, or if I did something else a little out of line posting there where, and how I did, I apologize.


I'm using UCF (Unlimited Companions Framework) in my most recent playthrough, and decided to do something a little different after beginning Nuka-World. I took Nisha, Mags, and Mason as my companions, with Gage. Now, this is all fine and good, but I have to say it: I HATE the gear for the Pack and the Operators. I really like the Disciples gear, but nonetheless, i'd like a replacement for Nisha's too. Are there any mods out there that add gear that would look good on the raider bosses, but also still kind of keep with the themes of their gangs? Something a little dark for Nisha, something a bit fancier for Mags, and something a little more primal for Mason, but not quite what Bethesda handed me. I'd love your opinions! Also, as a bonus, if you have any ideas for Gage gear, that'd be cool too. Although I might keep his default gear if no better ideas show.

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