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would it be possible to turn downed enemies into followers?


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often durin combat in skyrim there is a point when an enemy (just when their health is near its limit) crouch down to get a wee breather. only at this point for them to stand back up again about 5 seconds later to face more than likely their doom at you or a follower's weapon.


i always thought it would be nice if instead of gettin off their knees instead they where to stay kneeled...as if they have admitted submission (as happens in the fist fights). at this point you could leave them or execute them as seen fit. i reckon if i had just been thrashed in a fight like so, what with all the blood loss...i'd probably stay down and hope for some mercy.


but i got thinkin - wouldn't it be sweet if instead at this point you could give them an option to join your ranks and become a follower for your own personal militia. imagine havin followers includin skeletons,bears and maybe even bunnies (well i guess bunnies never get a chance to submit - one hit always kills them right?). or if that is not possible maybe just your regular ol' bandits - i think this would add a lot more depth to the game.


would this be somethin possible to implement?


cheers for the time readin this and sorry if it has been requested before. i had a wee gander but didn't see the equililent here..



EDIT - thinkin about this maybe if it didn't happen every time...just on occassion..or else it would get old pretty quick.

Edited by cybill
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