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CTDs when loading saves that were made after modifying character with


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Topic is descriptive enough. Or not... CTDs when loadings saves that were made after modifying character with showracemenu is what topic should say. Old installation of Skyrim didn't make it to the menu, so I reinstalled the game and then reinstalled my mods. Have my bashed patch and load order checked by BOSS. Everything works...


Except, I can't load any saves that I made after modifying the appearance of my character in showracemenu. All relevant esps (hair, Extended Colors) are part of my load order. Enabling only those still gives me a CTD. Note that the crash occurs before the loading screen appears. It's an instant CTD right after I choose to load the relevant file.


Is there a way to check dependencies of specific saves in something like the CK?

Edited by killazys
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