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Crazy Idea: Push-To-Talk Voice Input Mod


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Alright, I know what you all are going to say to this, but hear me out... :sleep:


So, there is going to be soon (well, propably within a year) skyrim multiplayer mod called Skyrim Together. It lets you to play with your friends in a server or with lan connection. I think this might open a new market for multiplayer based mods.


My question would be, would there technically be a possibility of making a push-to-talk mod? A mod or tool which could make that players could generate distance based voice with their microphone and it could be heard in game by player. In Skyrim together everyone hears the same things in the game like sound effects, if NPC is talking and else.


My question to you mod creators, who are quite more experienced... could this be achieved as a mod? Recording microphone sound, putting it to the same spot as the player who is using it and making it as a sound effect to the game?



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