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My New Mod Im working on.....


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Ok guys, ive always wondered.....how come i have so many damn keys.....like seriously....one for this chest, one for that one, one for this house, or that door. But how come when u activate the door for the second time (after you "unlock" it) how come the keys wont "re-lock" it. Yea, im working with scripts this time around (im 100% NEWB to scripts....amazing)


so basicly, this mod makes ALL keys RELOCK doors and chests and whatever else is locked if u use the key. Im thinkin a pop up message box will appear.


"Would You Like to Open the Door or Lock the Door"

- Open

- Lock


If the door is unlocked and u pressed open, u can simply walk through it, but if its locked, it will make the usual door locked sound and it will kick u out of the message box. IF you press lock the regualar lock/unlock sound will play and the door is retured to its ORIGNIAL lock level. so:


a level 100 door + unlock+ re-lock = 100 Level


get it?


now how can i do this, and do you like the idea.

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Usually I don't get to say much, because you say it before I have a chance, so its nice being able to help you out.


You would probably have to create a new kind of key (or change the base class for keys, if that is possible):


It will need to contain an extra integer, to store the door's lock level.

The scripting part will need to show the message you mentioned, as well as detect the door's lock level when unlocking, and storing the lock level inside the key, to be used when locking it again.



This might not be necessary, or it might be better to store the lock level in the door itself, or something else altogether. I've never scripted Morrowind. ;)


Fortunately I know lots about scripting in general.

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