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Portable Aquairum


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I think it would be great to have some small aquariums.. don't know how lore friendly they would be but I would love to have a bowl for a river betty! Something along the lines of the bugs in jars..


My original thought was to have 35 and 55 gallon aquariums, maybe even a 125.. but those might not be as lore friendly (though still really neat).


then I thought why stop there, maybe put a moat around Breezehome with half a dozen slaughterfish :)


Am I the only one who thinks this way? I did a search for aquaroums and found the Dwemer underwater house, but that's about it. maybe i need to expand my search terms?


*double points for being able to stock the tank with fish you catch yourself!


*triple points for being able to craft an aquarium out of materials you choose... dragon bone aquarium ftw!


* I just realized I mispelled aquarium in the thread title and i cannot edit it. -3 points to me.

Edited by CoyoteMax
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