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Question aobut duplicating existing items.


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Simply put im brand new to the CK, so this may be a stupid question.


I want to create a stand alone Nightingale Dagger. The easiest way I can see to do this for now since I lack modding knowledge to make custom models, would be to find a existing model I like the look of then "duplicate" it and tweak things on it including names and id's etc. This would mean I have to select less boxes and animations and stuff I would assume which in turn makes it less overwhelming for me.


In this case im duplicating Mehunes Razor. So I have the duplicate done but for the sake of making it easy to find again if I want to play with it more I wanted to move the duplicated weapon to where all the Nightingale weapons are kept. But I don't know how to move it assuming its even possible. I can not copy and paste and can't drag and drop, did not see anyway to move it which seems kind of silly you would think such a simple thing would be possible.


Any advice on this? Or is it possible to give it its own directory so to speak?


Edit: This is all while im in the CK object window by the way nothing to do with the final saved file location.

Edited by Garathos
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I dont remember where those nightingale weapons are stored, but anyway; All you have to do is take your duplicated\renamed item, open a cell\worldspace in the render window (by choosing it from the cell window ofcourse) and go there. If you want to put your weapons\stuff in the world "as free" just move your "dagger" from the object window to the render window in the place you want to place it!

If it is a container what you are looking for just open up a container window (under world objects in the object window) and modify a pre-existing one, duplicate it, do whatever yo want!


Kudos for me! :D

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