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Skyrim vanilla armor/weapon redone?


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So, I had this idea of an armor/weapon mod in mind, but it looks like I'm either not searching good enough, or people don't know what 'redone' means. When I look up 'skyrim armor redone mod' I want to see someone's interpretation of vanilla and dlc armors and weapons. I don't want 'HD armor retexture mods' that just have the base armor but in 2k quality, I want someone to completely change the look of an armor. And not just a color change! This is a prime example of what I'm talking about, but I want an armor pack, not 9 different esps in my load order. This is technically a request, but if there's a pack that already exists that I don't know about, I need some links, because I still want to use vanilla armors, but I can't do armor mods myself or else I wouldn't be here. Anyways, I hope you guys catch my drift, because I would really like a new armor pack that's not immersive armors or warmongers. I already use them. Not armonizer, though. There's only one armor that doesn't make me have a man's body. Literally.

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