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Editing Text Dialogue


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I was told recently that certain voices for npcs lack the lines to become a follower or be marriageable, and I know that with npc editor I am able to change voices of npcs. But in my opinion its not the same. So I was wondering if it is possible to actually add the dialogue to voices that do not have the option? Does anyone know how to do this or know of a very useful tutorial? (preferably one made for dummies) It doesn't bother me if those lines end up soundless as long as the npc keeps their original voice and are a follower/marry option.
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From what i remember, the dialogues for followers and marriages are not specific to one NPC, but to the follower and marriage faction.


So what you have to do is finding the NPC you want and add to him the needed factions (look at NPCs with the dialogue already present).


I know that for followers the factions are CurrentFollowerFaction (rank -1) and PotentialFollowerFaction (rank 0).


I don't know the marriage factions, but just look at a potential spouse.


Finally you have to check your NPCs voice type.


If that voicetype already has the lines recorded, then your dialogues will be already voiced.


If not, you'll have to record the voices.


To check this (after doing everything) you have to search the follower and marriage "quests" (can't remember their names in CK), open the dialogues, click on the dialogues you want.


Then you'll find a list of the valid voice types for this dialogue, look for your NPC's voice type (it will now be valid, since you added him the factions). Double click on the line and it should play a record. If not, then there's no voice recorded.

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Thanks for the replys, I am looking over at the tutorials as I type. Honestly I did expect for it to be this complicated. But I am wondering though if its possible to just use the ones that are already in the game and just add them to whatever voice type I want? Or is that still to ambitious of a job.
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Depending on the situation, you might be able to edit the voice types of your NPCs and the dialog infos so that they are used by both your NPCs and the original ones. That would certainly be easier than doing it the other way if you could get it to work right in this situation.
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I don't know wich voice type has that dialogues already recorded.


Let's make an example.


Let's say in Skyrim all the followers are Imperial, Breton, Nord and High Elf.


Let's say that all the followers have normal voice types (so no eager, no old man). Only male and female.


Now you find or create an high elf wich is not a follower. You simply add him to the 2 factions and he'll get all the dialogues. Plus he'll get the voices, cause he matches a voice type.


But let's say you have an Argonian, wich in our example hasn't got Vanilla recordings for the followers dialogue.


You add the 2 follower factions to the argonian and he now matches the conditions for the follower dialogues.


Now the game searches for a sound file matching with the Argonian's voice type. But he only finds high elf, breton, imperial and nord.


So your dialogue will be mute and will flash out.


Hope this example make you understand batter.

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So its possible hmmm. How would I go about doing this then, if you don't mind me asking. For example the voice I have in mind is malenordcommander or maybe Hadvar"s voice ( don"t worry I have a saved game thats done with the main quests so Hadvar is not connected to any quests anymore, that I know of).
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Now the game searches for a sound file matching with the Argonian's voice type. But he only finds high elf, breton, imperial and nord.


So your dialogue will be mute and will flash out.


I could be wrong, but I don't think it works quite like this. If your follower doesn't have the correct voice type, I don't believe the follower dialogue options will appear at all. The follower quest actually checks for the voice type as a condition to even initiate the quest (quest: DialogueFavorGeneric). In order to meet the condition and allow the follower dialogue options to appear, the NPC needs to have a voice type that is categorized as a DefaultNPCVoiceType. It might be possible to re-label your NPC's voice type and have it included in DefaultNPCVoiceType, but I'm not sure how to do this. Or you could change the quest condition to an OR statement and add your NPCs voice type as an additional condition statement. However, beware that doing this may make your mod incompatible with other mods that alter the follower quest, so I'm not sure if that helps you at all.

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