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Load order help!


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My "first things first" is always have a merged patch and a bashed patch, in that order, at the very end of your load order. Yes, it's extra work. No, it's not guaranteed to solved all CTD's. But it does help and it's an important part of having a lengthy mod list, not only for FO4, but modded Bethesda games in general.

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I have no Idea how to do a merge and bashed patch. ive tried several times but always seem to mess things up.

FO4 doesn't support bashed or merged patches. The only exception might be leveled lists but even then you have to be careful and you still need to know exactly what you're doing. So the best advice I can give you about them is to stay away from them unless you really want to learn some really in-depth stuff, which is obviously time consuming.


And of course they aren't the ultimate fix for everything that can go wrong in the game - especially not for CTDs. The same goes for the load order. Even texture mods that don't need to be in any load order at all can affect stability and produce CTDs. The original Skyrim High Res Texture pack from BGS themselves is probably one of the most prominent examples here.


You run a lot of Mods and that is probably the most likely reason what makes your game unstable. What's the best way to use mods? Add one mod at a time, after you carefully read the mod description, play the game for a while, be on the lookout for any kind of weirdness (not only CTDs), then rinse and repeat.



Edited by metaphorset
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