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Save File Size - Management


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I have a 170+ modded game, I've stress tested it and done about 3 separate 10 to 15 hour playthroughs to test the compatibility of mods, look for CTDs, etc.


So far the game is extremely stable and I only had one crash in my time of testing which happened after about 15 consecutive death reloads and jumping in and out of of exterior to interior zones.


Overall I'm pleased with the stability and am now going through conflicts on TES5 edit as a final check.


My last major concern is with save file size, starting the game my save file is roughly 4.6-4.8MB after all mods have finished loading in. I played for about 7 hours yesterday and by the end of that playthrough my save file size of 5.3MB.

  • I do not plan on installing or removing mods throughout my main playthrough.
  • I do not use auto-save or quick save and only save in interiors.

That being said I do want to do a very long, completion style playthrough on this character. Probably in the realm of 150 to 200 hours.


So, given what I said above and assuming that my game is well put together and stable, should my save file size be a concern? If so, besides the two points I made above what other steps should I take to maintain a reasonable save file size?


I've done a lot of reading on this in forums but the majority is focused on people who are adding and removing mods and on Oldrim save from at least 3 years ago when this was more of an issue for any heavy mod user.


Thanks in advance for your replies.

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