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Increasing armor DR value globally


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I'm very tired of a naked man with a pool stick doing significant damage to me in power armor in survival mode, and I'm tired of shooting him square in the face with a laser rifle and dropping only about 20% of his health in the process. I want to ramp up the value of armor across the board to make it a more important factor in who can take a bullet; a completely unarmored rabid dog should not take a full magazine of bullets to drop, but it's fair that a Gunner in full military armor isn't an easy target. I've seen mods that attempt to do this by adding a damage threshold value to armors, but they all have varying technical problems, so even though it's an inelegant fix I figure adding a multiplier to armor DR is probably the best solution that won't add glitches to the game.


That said, is there a way to mess with this in the CK that doesn't involve manually editing the DR of every armor piece in the game? If it's possible to bang out a ArmorDR=ArmorDR*2 script it'd be worth my time to work out how to do it, as opposed to very not worth my time to go in and edit all of the hundreds of clothing and armor pieces in the game.

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