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No powerleveling when smithing / Impossible Task?


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Hello Modders out there,



I was trying to make a mod that let's you craft weapons and increase your smithing skill, but will not or nearly not level you.


But I was not succesfull so far!



I did alter the smithing skill multiplier and the smithing skill advance.


But this only influencies how fast you go from smithing 23 to 24.



My second idea was to put the skill increase to 0 and introduce books that will inrease smithing.


The problem is you can only read each book once for skill increase. So you have to make about 100 different Books of smithing


and you have to keep track which book you did read and which not. Bad idea!!




Is there a way to make a book that will disappear after reading like a magetome and will give a skill increase ( like the books in Fallout 3 ) ???


Is there any other way to make smithing useable but preventing fast levelups?



Thanks for reading, Christian

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