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Continue Tales of Lycanthropy - Werewolf Overhaul


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One of my favourite mods, Tales of Lycanthropy - Werewolf Overhaul (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12687), has been paused/discontinued by spwned due to a lack of time.

He gave permission to everyone who is willing to continue his mod and has uploaded the complete source code of his latest version.

I have some ideas on content to add but I'm a total noob with the CK and sadly also short on time, so I won't be able to get anything done by myself, especially not in a quality that I would be pleased with myself. So I'd like to ask for someone make a mod based on spwned's work to further enhance the Werewolf-gameplay and perhaps also include some of the ideas I provide.


List of ideas:

-Included support for male/female models perhaps also diverging by race (not sure if possible, especially with custom races) or something different. That way, support for various retextures and remoddels would be possible. I for myself am using Derrax Male Werewolves (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=4445) and Female Werewolf by Moutarde421 (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10989) and I'd like to use their models without an additional esp (right now I'm using a merged esp of both mods that is linked on the Female Werewolf-page) messing up my data-folder (aswell as actually using both of Derrax versions). I know this isn't to everyones tastse so I won't ask to include these moddels (would need their permission anyway) but instead copies (or slightly edited versions) of the vanilla-moddel with altered texture-paths (to use some of the great retextures on the nexus if possible).

-Based on this, event-werebeasts should be of all genders and races

-Additional Werebeasts with different stats and powers that can be encountered (and can infect the player) the same way as the Werewolves (but with less probability, posibility of unnamed NPCs being Werebeasts within reason). Possible conflict with companions-questline, not sure if there's a way around that. Again, if possible, support for different models for males/females and perhaps different races.

---Werebears: stronger and more health than Werewolves, but slower both moving and atacking, encounters all over Skyrim

---Werecats: less health and damage than Werewolves but faster, perhaps different kinds (lions, tigers, pumas, cheetahs,...) that have slightly different stats, encounters depending on specific types, for example pumas in the mountains and lions near the routes of Khajiit-caravans

---Werecrocodiles: waterbreathing, fast swimmer, more health and armour due to the scales, powerfull biting-attack but less damage with normal attacks, encounters in the south near lakes and rivers

---Weresharks: waterbreathing, fast swimmer, fast and powerfull attacks but slow movement, encounters at coasts, posibility of bandits at shipwrecks being weresharks

---Wereboars, Weredeers, Werevultures (perhaps flying mechanics, there is a mod that works on that)

-Normal animals to go along with the werebeasts (reasonable, no sharks in lakes and rivers, no lions or tigers in skyrim)

-Different packs of Werebeasts that you can join (like every other faction) if you are infected with their form of lycantrophy. They could live hidden in new caves or in new bandit-camps. There could be essential named NPCs and basic pack-members, some of them possible folowers when you reach a certain rank in the pack. Edit: perhaps joining a pack should be for feral Werebeasts only

-Totems to change your active power in beast-form in each packs camp, only work when infected with the right Lycantrophy-type.

-Perhaps some sort of war between the packs, with a questline that offers you the posibility to annihilate the other tribes or unite the werebests, at the end you would be the leader of the last remaining or united tribe of wild werebeasts in Skyrim. Perhaps there could be two leading NPCs in every tribe, one wants to wipe out all other tribes and one that wants to unite them against the Werewolf-hunters (or Werebeast-hunters). You would have to choose between them (killing the one you do not choose). In the end you have to defeat the other leader that has grown addicted to leading the pack and sees you as danger to his position.

-A questline that allows you to join the Werebeast-hunters, perhaps with a courier informing you of a secret meeting after some Werewolf-encounters or at a certain level. During this questline you would basicly slaughter all the packs. Not sure if that's possible with the companions being werewolves (same situation as with these stupid blades).

-An alternate way to cure Lycantrophy for those who didn't follow the companions-questline or are infected with a different type of Lycantrophy. Edit: And to cure followers of their beast-blood.

-Reduced conversation-menu with followers while in beast-form (no item-trading, no "conversation-options", ...)

-Followers can be infected with lycantrophy and turn into werebeast without you being one. You could have to defeat them (like brawling, perhaps with weapons) the first time they change to beast-form to be accepted as leader, then they keep their follower-state even when transformed and won't question your leadership again when changing.

-Change followers battle-dialogue when in beast form to fitting sounds and subtitles.

-Create a proper backstory for the Werebeast-hunters. The Silver Hand could be a group that left them to fight the companions while the others try to focus on feral Werebeasts (but will atack purebloods aswell when they meet them)

-A perk-system for Lycantrophy. As a real perk-tree would replace an existing one I would suggest a seperate leveling-system, for the Werebeast-powers, perhaps based on how often one has fed on humanoids/animals. After feeding you get a number of points based on what you feed, these points could be used to "buy" perks at a special shrine (in the camps of the packs and the underforge) that help you when playing as Werebeast. Probably it should be generic stuff like transforming without being noticed by enemies, longer transformations or reduced cooldown for the powers.


-Allow Werebeasts to climb up smaller buildings and walls. Many thanks to xyks for the idea. (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/476194-werewolf-climbing-and-how-of-rage-overhaul/)



I will update the list if there are more ideas (either from me or someone else) or someone takes over the mod and includes stuff from the list.

Edited by BrabbelKP
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  • 4 weeks later...
Nice ideas man, i use Tales of Lycanthropy too its a nice mod but i have some ideas to improve it a bit too. Increased health and stamina regenerateionin beast mod. Because i hate the fact that you dont regenerate health when you are in beast from, werewolves are feared because they heal very quickly and are much stronger then a normal human. After you have fed on a animal or human race ofc because you first need too satfied your hunger. And mabye a dmg buff like 10% with wapens and increased carry weigh. And that your unarmed combat also gets a little boost when you are not in beast form. Wich stack with you unarmed dmg when you are in beast form. Edited by vinniekliennie
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know (and use) MoMod, I'd just like to be able to transform into a Werecat or whatever like changing into a Werewolf (without that just being a replacer). Adding joinable Packs and the other stuff wouldn't actually be necessary, it would just make the mod more epic.


The Werebear and Werecroc actually look strange to me. Croc would look hood based on the Dragonman, less spikes, Croc-Head and Croc-textures and you have one that looks good. Bear looks starved, arms are too long and legs have too many joints. Cat would be a good starting point, if someone would decide to make the suggested mod, as long as you'd give permission.

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That would still only change the look of my character when transformes, I'd really love to have differences in the stat-changes and above all the diversity of Werebeasts.

I heard that Werewolves should get a perk-tree in the DLC (haven't seen anything of that yet), just like the confirmed one for the vampire-lord. It would be cool if that would give someone the motivation to give the werewolves some attention again and perhaps considder some of the things I put up here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think that different werebeast should come with seperate perks since they all would have different ways of fighting, eg a werecat would probably pounce his prey more and would get a bonus from a running attack while a werebear would get a chance to knock enemies down while attacking and a werecroc would get bonus damage from bites. This would make it stand out since it would make sence and make it more imersive since it no longer feels like a werewolf in a different mesh/texture.
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Different perk-trees would be good, you're right. I'm still a bit torn on how they should be implemented.

On the one hand it would be cool if the perk-tree that is added in Dawnguard could be copied (and then changed) for other Lycantrophes, on the other hand that would make Dawnguard a requirement for a mod that includes them. On top of that, a perk-system without dawnguard would give Werewolves two perk-trees with Dawnguard, the modded one and the one from the DLC.

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