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Mods wont work


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If they are installed properly the mods from nexus will show on the data list in the game. If you are not sure, look in the \data folder in your Steam.... Skyrim folder. All of the mods should be in that folder. The most common mistake in manually installing mods is a second data folder inside of the game data folder (Skyrim\data\data) with the mods inside the second one. Move the mods from the second data folder (the one inside the first data folder) to the first data folder. If asked to overwrite, answer YES, the data will not be overwritten, it actually appends instead.
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Maybe you could try this:


Open SkyrimPrefs.ini in My Documents\Skyrim with any text editor. Under [Launcher] add the line bEnableFileSelection=1 and save.


You sir just solved all the problems I had with my mods, I was up 'till 6:30 in the morning trying everything I could find to make the mods work and almost gave up all hope. I was always wondering why the data option was unavailable in the launcher and I didn't know I could activate it through the config. You just won the reward for most helpful post of the day, unless somebody can come along and post the cure for cancer alongside the solution to world hunger and a quick fix for the economy. If that happens you will still have the second most helpful post of the day.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the same problem. Only the "dD - Enhanced Blood Main" mod and the "A_Quality_World_Map" mod are working. The other mods doesn't works. They are all checked in the list of Nexus Mod Manager. But I can't go in the "data files" in the Skyrim Launcher.

Help please.

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