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Skyrim Movie Maker/ Editor?


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I wanted to ask if theres some kind of Movie Maker/Editor where you could Chose Characters (like a ice troll or so) and postition them and all that to make a movie full of animations, maybe something like The Movies game? It would be pretty cool. I heard the Creation Kit has something like that, is that true?
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Yea you can probably do that with the creation kit, but dont hold me on that since I haven't even used it yet. Its pretty simple though, you can even make movies with the map-editors for old games like UT2004, and I've done the same with UDK. Made a little movie starring Lara Croft and a Robot.


It should just be a simple case of "movement paths" and "animation/sound triggers". If its possible I'll definitely try it myself, cos I love making little parody movies!

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