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Strange LOD Bug in Soul Cairn


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I'm getting a very strange game-breaking bug that seems to be altering the worldspace of the Soul Cairn, removing collision from everything but the ground, maybe moving the "ground" further down than it ought to be? I've attached a picture of the issue since its a bit difficult to explain.


Using TCL to get a look at the surroundings shows that the terrain is probably using LOD files instead of proper meshes, but I cant for the life of me figure out why.


I've looked though TES5Edit and the only plugins that edit the DLC01SoulCairn worldspace are:


Enhanced Lights and FX

Skyrim Immersive Creatures (only adds spawn points)

Atlas Map Markers Legendary Edition

Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul (only edits soul husks)

Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library (only adds books)

Merged Patch (carries over only overwritten world edits from Atlas)



I've tried deactivating DynDOLOD, removing its created meshes, but I'm still getting this problem.

I've heard of Atlas and DynDOLOD not behaving properly when used together, but even without DynDOLOD I'm getting issues so I'm at a loss.


I'm also attaching my load order ofc, but there are quite a few merged plugins in there. Still hope I could get some insight from a brain other than my own.


- Eris

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  • 7 months later...

Hello. Bumping this as I'm suffering through a similar issue and this is the closest thread I have seen discussing the same issue. When I go through the portal to the Soul Cairn, I essentially get dropped below other textures (because there are no stairs that I can see) I've tried looking around for a fix of what this is. I've looked through the basic steps of LOOT and SSEEdit, which I receive not that some navmeshes have been deleted...if that is the issue (which sounds like it makes sense) what's the best way to recover those navmeshes? Keep in mind that while I can figure out eventually step by step technical processes, I am not a mod programmer. Also, since it just "drops me off" into limbo, it also does not update the Quest Log that I have even entered the Soul Cairn. I've included a screenshot.


Thanks. Also, attached is my mod load order.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I had the same issue. I was progressing through Dawnguard questline, got into Soul Cairn zone and same thing happened to me. I had cleaned esm files using TES5Edit some time ago and haven't checked this zone ever since. I simply restored backup Dawnguard.esm and apparently the issue was fixed. It seems I got my cleaning wrong and something was accidentaly deleted. Hope it helps.

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