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Sudden lag...


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Did you enforce a lot of AA through your drivers to play another game or something and forget to switch them back?


That's a negative, I even changed my AA settings to performance instead of quality like it used to be (yeah it sucks) and even doing so it didn't make any difference in-game.


EDIT: I was thinking, any of you guys have Warzones and Occupy Skyrim? maybe with these 2 mods I have too many spawnings and battles going on in the background?

Edited by JD1
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Your Nvidia Controls can make a lot of difference, like Rennn said the AA is a big one, AF not so much, but some others can be too. And if you added another monitor it can cause your card to try to enforce 3D settings for both causing massive performance hits. Edited by fms1
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He already said he didn't change those though. I don't have Warzones or Occupy Skyrim, by the way. If you just temporarily disable them, does the problem go away?

Also, I recommend this:



My game stutters sometimes stutters in towns without it.


Ok I will try to disable them both and see (afraid it will screw up my game anyway though)

Thanks for the gamebooster, I will download it, it might comes in handy. :thumbsup:

I'll be back later and hopefully I will have good news hehe

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Ok, so my new game is running way better with game booster, thanks for that! :thumbsup:


About my 120 hours character... I finally loaded a save game 70 hours in, so waaaay back, and it's running fine, so my conclusion is: it would be a bloated savegame (at 13mb?) or an outdated mod maybe, am I right? I'm out of ideas really.

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I had almost the same thing happen to me, and it was really frustrating. I thought maybe I was trying to run the game at too high of a resolution or too high of detail level, but my machine was handling it with no problem when it wasn't stuttering. At first I thought it was a mod issue, so i uninstalled everything and went back to Vanilla. Same problem. Then I did a complete uninstall/reinstall and the same thing was happening. I checked my save games to make sure they weren't bloating, and it was right around 10mb so I knew that wasn't the problem.


I noticed that it happened most when I was moving from cell to cell, or leaving a crypt or cave. What worked for me, and I have no idea why or if it will help you at all, was to turn off all auto-saving in the option menus. It's a little bit of a hassle to have to remember to save every so often to make sure I don't lose progress, but the way the game works now for me is completely worth it. I have all of my mods installed, and I've even using an ENB set with SSAO enabled and it's running great. I played for 3 hours afterwards and it never showed up again, so I'll try it some more when I get home tonight to see if it still holds. Fingers crossed!

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