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Custom texture issue with Nifskope Mashup Armor


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Hi all,

I've recently made a mashup armor using nifskope for the meshes and paint.net for the textures.


For the most part I've been following this tutorial:

Although, it cuts off before the armor is added to the Creation Kit.


The armor is mashup of the thieves guild curiass and one of the farmer's dresses. However, I have changed the colour of the pants to theives guild armor, since in nifskope the dress and armor are separate meshes.


I was wondering how I would add the armor set to the Creation Kit, and Skyrim - as I haven't found any pre-existing solutions. Would it be possible to combine the textures for the different meshes into one .dds file to use for the whole armor piece?

(included is the mashup armour set)


Thanks for your time.




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