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Square box text


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As shown in the screen shot, this SINGLE landmark has this kind of weird square box, not only that, it all started in dawnstar when I talked in someone in dawnstar inn, that npc also had all square text in his sentences and names, please help!

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I had something like this happen some time ago. In my case it was a mod that according to the description was in English, while in fact it was in Chinese... I think its a mod in a language, that uses different letters than English (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian....). If that's the case, there's not much you can do about it. Either live with it or uninstall the mod.


BTW, it shouldn't be too hard to find the mod: You're looking for something, that adds a building to Dawnstar...

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I can't find the mod, even after I disabled all my quest based, new land mods. But all I know is, it was triggered by talking to a person in dawnstar inn , he was wearing vigilant of stendarr clothes.

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Maybe "Vigilant"? But this mod is available in English... Could also be a house/building mod or something. Im pretty sure that this is just a language problem.

I have dled the english translate for it, its still like square texts. Yes it is Vigilant but it seems that the english translate patch doesn't fix it, thanks anyways!

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  • 1 year later...

Just found a solution that works for me, the text file for the latest version of VIGILANT Voiced was incompatible with the latest version (1.4.6) of VIGILANT SE. The patch was made for version 1.4.5 which can be found in the old files section of the VIGILANT SE files tab. Once I switched to VIGILANT SE 1.4.5 the text was fixed and I can finally see what my dialogue choices are. Hopefully this helps anyone who is still having this problem.

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